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A kayak glides in the light blue sea

Environmentally friendly

Sellers of smart toilets should actively take steps to minimize the environmental impact of their products. This can include the following:

Waste batteries

Energy efficiency:

Smart toilets should be designed to minimize water and electricity consumption. By offering an energy-efficient product, sellers can reduce their customers' energy bills while helping to minimize excessive consumption of resources.

Water droplets fall on hands

Water-saving features:

Smart toilets can be equipped with water-saving technologies such as dual-flush and smart flush control to reduce the use of fresh water. This helps conserve water resources, especially in arid areas.

wind power matrix

Sustainable materials:

Sellers can choose to use sustainable materials to manufacture smart toilets to reduce dependence on limited resources. In addition, the recyclability and reusability of the product can be promoted to reduce waste and environmental pollution.

Privacy protection

Smart toilets may contain sensors and connectivity for monitoring and controlling different functions. Protecting user privacy is crucial and sellers can take the following measures to ensure privacy:

discarded film

Wise data collection:

Collect only the data necessary to fulfill the basic functions of the product. Avoid excessive collection and storage of users' personal information.

A sign with white characters on a black background says privacy please

Transparent Privacy Policy:

Provide a clear and easy-to-understand privacy policy that explains to users how data is collected and processed, as well as their rights and choices.

Black and white photo of a marionette

User control:

Give users control and the ability to choose whether or not to share their data and how their data is used.

Social responsibility

Smart toilet sellers should take responsibility on a social level, which includes the following aspects:

The scene where charity materials are distributed

Participation in social programs:

Actively support community and environmental programs, either through donations, volunteering or partnerships.

A group of people are having a meeting

Employee Welfare:

Provide employees with fair wages, benefits and good working conditions to promote employee happiness and health.

Two container ships

Sustainable Supply Chain:

Ensure the sustainability of the supply chain, including attention to suppliers' labor and environmental practices.

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